Almost There

I spent a fair share of the night re-re-re-reading my final proof of Let the Dark Speak, and I am so happy to say that barring any unforseen complications, the Paperback Version should go live on Amazon tonight!

Thank you all so much for following along with me, and having so much patience during the publishing process. I could not have done this without the support I’ve received from so many of you.

Be sure to follow me on instagram for more news and posts! 🖤

Exciting News

The Kindle version of my book is now live on Amazon!

Check it out HERE!

If you’re more of a physical book kind of reader (like me,) you’ll still have to wait a bit for the final proof to be approved.

Here’s a little taste of what you’ll find in the book. 🖤

Make sure you check out my instagram.


I want to float in a vast ocean
in the blackest dark of night,
with only the stars winking
as they watch me wading.

On the edge of sanity and panic
surrounded by sounds I don’t understand,
while swells of hope roll me
between lulls of grey anguish,
I want thunder to shake all around me
as I struggle to keep my eyes dry.

And I want to know
that the shore will never come.
For once, that type of certainty
doesn’t sound so bad.

I’ve posted a picture version below for easy sharing if you feel inclined to do so. 🖤

As always, thank you all for your kindness and support.

Follow me on Facebook

For more posts, great pictures, and updates about future publishing.


And of course, a loving word for those who need it today:

There are never places light can’t reach. Those of us who dwell in the dark must either thrive there, or strive towards the brightness that emanates from hope. Every hour you survive is proof you have immeasurable strength. Don’t ever give up. You are worth more to this world than your thoughts tell you. I will always be here to listen if you need it.

Poetry Collection | Whispers in the Dark

My previous nine posts have been a collection of poetry and prose focused on mental health called Whispers In The Dark. The feedback and outpouring of support from the community here have been nothing short of inspiring. Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and addiction are all incredibly tough foes that many of us face on a daily basis. Suffering doesn’t have to be something we go through alone, and it certainly doesn’t have to happen in silence.

I use my writing as an outlet for dealing with the loss I’ve had in my life, and how it’s affected every facet of living. Putting words to some of the darkest feelings I’ve ever had helps me to cope, and allows me to face those issues head on. I spent the last two days searching for photos that I thought would visually accompany this collection best; I believe I’ve found those pictures. Feel free to use anything I post below in any way you want. All I ask for is that you credit me in one form or another.

Before I post them, I would like to share just one more thought.

Sometimes, a shoulder to lean on, or a ear to listen from a friend is enough. If we all take a moment out of our day to just ask someone how they are, and actually listen- well, sometimes that’s all it takes to give someone what they need to face the day. For the days when it isn’t, there are so many avenues to turn to for help.

If you or anyone you know is having a hard time, and is considering harming themselves please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. There is always an answer. There is always a choice.


If you love my work, please like, comment, share, and reblog!
And if you ever need an ear to listen, I will always do so.
Thank you for following my blog, and continuing on this journey with me.
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram

The Clock Inches

For the second day in a row, I’ve given in just the tiniest bit to the underbelly of poetry. This was a piece I had written a while back. I cleaned it up (it needed it terribly), and now post it here for whomever would take part in its enjoyment. It’s an uptempo, wordy diatribe on the pestilence of clocks, and how watching time pass can both open your eyes to things you realize the seconds on a clock will take away from you, but also give you hope that the past can stay in the past, and moving forward is not only a possibility, but an inevitability.  So without any further wasting of your time(haha), I present The Clock Inches.



Envisions colliding, during renditions in hiding,

with just thirty of those twenty four slowly passing-

ticking and locking of movements still rocking,

no matter how harshly one’s forcing does try-

clock inches.


futures solemnly prove in which moments do move

that a passionate class above nothing is true,

and promise of less gruesome fates is of cowardly uses

and useless to muses and playwrights in writing.


Fighting what comes and giving a face to the hatred thou fears

can endear when your thumb loses hold

to giving a living life grace.

Envisions promise to make light of countless endeavors

and tremors will make use of limbs.


How evil a moment, taking what faking you thought had forgotten

the whims of before-

for beating and treating, I daresay you implore

of what comes in justly coming inches.


Renditions repeating re-treatments to darkening, low-lying

opening depths of an earth-clearing

just for who’s noble-

not thou, nor the dearest of taking traitors shall know

of the beckoning growl as an earning is needed

while no rules are heeded;

destiny shows only the foul.


Wholly days passing all, never slowing to crawl,

with just thirty of those twenty four passing-

ticking and locking of movements still rocking,

no matter how harshly one’s forcing does try-

clock inches.



Whether you like it, or you don’t, I’d love to hear feedback.  Thanks for checking out my blog.  🙂